Calling all Tenno! Is your Warframe mustache ready to take on the world?
WHEN: Friday, November 14 from 3:00 to 4:00 PM EST
WHAT: Equip your mustache in-game and play missions for the full hour as we attempt to set the Guinness World Record for – The Largest Gathering of People Wearing False Mustaches Simultaneously in a Videogame!
WHY: As part of our month long Movember charity drive we’re raising awareness and funds for Men’s Health.
Additional Fun:
During the record-setting hour, we’re also having a mustache Dojo party. Join in! To gain access to the DE Dojo on Nov 14 from 3:00-4:00PM EST:
- PC players can whisper DERebecca for an invite.
- Xbox One players can whisper DigExLD3 for an invite.
- PS4 players can whisper [DE]Drew for an invite.
If you want an official Guinness Certificate to commemorate this awesome event, click here for info.
Also, we need you to share your screenshots to help with Guinness record verification! Simply post screenshots of mustaches you see in game in this Forum thread. The thread will close at 5 PM EST on November 14, be sure to get them in before then.
Spread the word to your fellow Tenno! Let’s set that record!