Who Writes The Red Text?
The Great Mystery, Part One
Posted On 2014-09-22 17:00:10
Who Writes The Red Text?

Who is Red Text?

For those of you who aren’t sure what all the fuss is about, being able to update the game quickly gives us a few advantages when it comes to squashing bugs or responding to balance concerns. Just prior to an Update going live a mysterious herald appears, delivering announcements on upcoming fixes and new content with mixture of facts, questionable jokes, and terrible puns.

The nature of developing an online game means there are times when we have to drop everything and fix or update. When this time occurs, one (or more?) staff members step up to bat to wield the power of Red Text.

The identity behind the Red Text has long been a mystery, but now that we’ve received this trophy from the Iron Dagger Clan we feel it’s only right to deliver it to its proper owner.

The only problem is, we’ve never really determined who exactly who is Red Text. To find the truth we’ll have to carefully observe the movements of our staff during that crucial Update period.

Here are our four prime suspects…

Rebecca: Voice of the Lotus, unable to resist making puns.

Steve: Expert Programmer, wears pink (aka: light red).

Pat: Associate Producer, likes to deflect blame.

Red Sweater Randall: Loves his sweater.

Help us narrow down the Red Text culprit by letting us know who you think is responsible for the lucrative broadcasts. Click here to cast your vote on the forums as to who you think is the lucrative writer of the Red Text. We’ll watch their actions carefully during the next pre-Update broadcasts to find out once and for all who is responsible for jokes like:

...Plus we can give them this wonderful trophy.
