Devstream 185 Overview
New Protoframes, Temple’s Abilities, and more!
Opublikowano 2025-03-03 11:01:00
Devstream 185 Overview

Techrot Encore is fast-approaching, and we’ve prepared a deep-dive into what players can expect in this update. Meet our newest Protoframes, rock out with Temple (our 60th Warframe), learn about our newest mission variants, and so much more in Devstream 185!

For all of the details, be sure to watch the full episode, or catch the highlights below.


Take a closer look at Warframe: 1999 in our official ArtStation Art Blast, highlighting the incredible work of the artists at Digital Extremes!
St. Patrick's Day returns on March 5, featuring Darvo Deals and the Shamrock Color Palette.
Rock out like Temple themselves — enter our Ilbanez Electric Guitar giveaway before March 28!
Submissions are open for the TennoCon Cosplay Contest and Community Art Showcase!
Special Friday-only TennoConcert tickets are going on sale for those who were unable to nab TennoCon tickets. Click here for more details on the July 18th TennoConcert.
Our 12 Year Anniversary celebrations kick off on March 7! Get the new Dex Laurus Ephemera as a login reward, in addition to weeks of alerts:

 Devstream 185 Overview

Techrot Encore - Coming March 19, 2025

 Devstream 185 Overview

This Devstream is covering only a section of what is coming in Techrot Encore, so if you’d like a refresher of what else was announced, be sure to revisit our Devstream 184 overview. With that out of the way, here’s some of what you can expect in Techrot Encore on March 19:

  • New Warframe - Temple

  • New Protoframes + Mall Extension

  • Deep Archimedea in 1999: Temporal Archimedea

  • New Defense Variant: Stage Defense

  • Pseudo-Exalted Rework

  • Ash Ability Changes

  • Ollie’s Crash Course Arcade Game

  • New Cosmetics: Gyre Deluxe + TennoGen

  • New Augments

  • and more!

Temple - 60th Warframe

 Devstream 185 Overview

Temple, our 60th Warframe, is our second music-themed Warframe who comes with their very own sentient Exalted Guitar: Lizzie. Unlike Octavia’s reliance on melody, Temple’s kit uses rhythm to amplify their Abilities.


Passive: Play abilities in sync with Backbeat metronome to invigorate ability effects while decreasing Energy cost.

Ability 1:Blast targeted enemies with pillars of fire. Backbeat Timing: Ignite even more pillars.

Note: this is Temple’s Helminth Ability!

Temple Ability 1

Ability 2: Drive loudspeakers into epic distortion to create a damaging wave of Heat while also increasing vulnerability to Critical Chance. Backbeat Timing: Double Critical Vulnerability.

Temple Ability 2

Ability 3: Rip on the guitar to make Temple briefly invulnerable while healing them. Ally’s weapons are lit-up with extra Heat Damage. Backbeat Timing: Invulnerability lasts longer.

Ability 4: Charge your Backbeat metronome by timing your Abilities correctly — once it is fully charged, it’s time to bring Lizzie into the fray! Set Lizzie aflame and torch enemies with Heat. While aimed, Lizzie blasts enemies with thunderous elemental sound waves, use ability controls to change the Elemental Damage type. Backbeat Timing: throw the elemental projectiles on the beat to increase their radius and status chance.

Temple Ability 4

Other Equipment

Temple is also coming with the following items:

  • Rockett Alternative Helmet

  • Stardust Signa

  • Glamrock Shoulder Armor

  • Riot-848 — 1999 weapon with an Entrati silencer. All the bullets shot get drawn back to the weapon upon reload, dealing more damage:


New Protoframes

 Devstream 185 Overview

We are adding Protoframes for Saryn, Frost, Nova, and Temple! Before you get too emotionally invested, you will not be able to romance any of them — but rest assured you can still have deep relationships with these new characters via the KIM system! To meet these characters, you will require at least Rank 4 in the Hex Syndicate, but certain vendors or game modes won’t be available until Rank 5.

Like with the original Hex, these Protoframes will be available as fully voiced Gemini Skins (and emotes) for you to use in-mission. Each Protoframe is also getting their own theme songs, which you can purchase from Aoi as Somachords and listen to on your favourite streaming platform!

To accommodate all of our new Protoframes, we’re also expanding the Höllvania Central Mall — you can find them in the new Round Table area of the mall, once you’ve reached at least Rank 4 in the Hex Syndicate.

Kaya Velasco (Nova)

Kaya is the youngest of the new Protoframes — visit her to play Temporal Archimedea (which you’ll learn about further on)!

Nova Protoframe

Velimir II(Frost)

Velimir II and Minerva are in a loveless marriage, and are on the hunt to find their adoptive daughter: Neci Rusalka. Via the KIM system, you can try to help them, and maybe try to rekindle their spark.

Velimir acts as a furniture vendor in Höllvania Central Mall, so you can deck out your Orbiter or Backroom with 1999-themed decorations!

Frost Protoframe

Minerva (Saryn)

In addition to acting as her marriage counsellor, you can purchase new Scaldra Weapon blueprints from Minerva in the Höllvania Central Mall.

Saryn Protoframe

Flare Varleon

Flare and Lizzie are quite the pair. Flare comes with their own Sentient (no, not the faction) Guitar, born from their own Techrot-infested blood.

Visit Flare to purchase Temple Blueprints using a new currency earned from Stage Defense.
Temple Protoframe

Protoframe Trailer - BTS

Elyse brought some behind-the-scenes footage of the Mocap for the incredible Protoframe Trailer!

Protoframe Cinematic Mocap

Temporal Archimedea

As mentioned in Kaya’s introduction, we’re adding a Deep Archimedea variant to 1999: Temporal Archimedea. Visit Kaya once you hit Rank 5 with the Hex to engage with this familiar system, but in a new tileset and with a new mechanic: Peely Pix!

Players can collect Peely Pix from this new Temporal Archimedea mode, which can be applied to the missions themselves to offer players additional buffs. We’ve added 50 new Deviations and 11 new Risk Variables that are exclusive to Temporal Archimedea, in addition to 7 new Individual Parameters that apply to both Archimedea types.

Temporal Archimedea

Temporal Archimedea requires 2 Netracell Pulses to play each week, meaning players can play both Temporal and Deep Archimedea in one week, and have one Netracell Pulse left to use with Tagfer.

Peely Pix Artists

 Devstream 185 Overview
Peely Pix features art from a variety of community members!

  • Nelosart

  • bugbreach

  • Darika

  • Freyaloi
  • New Arcanes

    Kaya also offers new Arcanes:

    Arcane Escapist
    On Mercy Kill: Can a stack of Escapist, up to 10x. Every 5 stacks grants a revive and 12s of invulnerability after fatal damage.

    Arcane Hot Shot
    Gain 6% weapon Critical Chance for 10s when using abilities to inflict Heat Status on enemies. Maximum 50x stacks.

    Arcane Universal Fallout
    Each Radiation Status Effect inflicted on enemies gives X chance to drop a Universal Orb on enemy death

    New Defense Variant: Stage Defense

    Stage Defense Pt.1

    This update brings a new Defense mission variant where you must defend Temple from an onslaught of Scaldra forces as they rock on in Höllvania’s last-ever concert. This Defense mission will offer 3-wave rotations (like all other Defense missions as of Techrot Encore) with a few extra twists:

    • Demolyst-like foe will emerge in the last wave, with the full intent of taking Temple out

    • Speakers around the map will periodically attack enemies that pass too close

    • After the first rotation, Temple will literally bring the house down in a Lua-esque tileset transformation:

    Stage Defense Pt. 2

    Temple’s blueprints can be earned from this mission, in addition to RotHeart Strings — Flare’s vendor currency!

    Technocyte Coda

    We talked quite a bit about Technocyte Coda in Devstream 184, but we have some extra info to share!

    Here’s a look at the updated Adversary Screen — note the fun randomized colours that each Coda will come with. (we can’t promise Megan wasn’t involved in picking the color scheme) As a reminder, all Technocyte Codas will come with a guaranteed cosmetic, which you can see reflected in this screen.

    Technocyte Coda Screen

    New Ephemeras

     Devstream 185 Overview
    Speaking of cosmetics, let’s take a look at one type you can get from Technocyte Coda: Ephemeras! There are 8 Ephemeras available via this system:

    New Coda Ephemeras

    Technocyte Coda Debuff

    Unlike Liches and Sisters who steal your Credits and Resources, Technocyte Coda will hit you where it really hurts: your fashion. When you have a Technocyte Coda hunting you, a green Cyst will grow on your Warframes until you Vanquish or Convert them!

    Pseudo-Exalted Rework & Ash Ability Changes

     Devstream 185 Overview

    We shared an extensive Dev Workshop on the Pseudo-Exalted and Ash changes, so please refer to the official thread for more details.

    Quality of Life Changes

    New Player Changes

    As a continuation of our work on the New Player Experience, here’s some of the QOL we’re shipping with Techrot Encore:

    • Shortened and reworked the Star Chart path up til the Second Dream Quest. This mostly involves simplifying the mandatory nodes to move through planets, including Junction requirement changes, and ensuring there is mission variety through your journey.

    • Removing the Necramech requirement for The New War — loaner mechs incoming!

    • Removed high-level crafting materials when crafting an Archwing, and automatically delivering Archwing Launcher Segment upon completing of the Archwing Quest

     Devstream 185 Overview

    In addition to everything above, we’ve also cooked up some Quality of Life improvements that are shipping with Techrot Encore:

    • Captura Improvements, including the ability to save settings between sessions, hiding UI easier, advance time works on all screens, etc.

    • Prorated Bundles, meaning Platinum-purchased bundles in the Market will receive a discount if you own an item included in the Bundle!

    • Added repeatability for the Duviri Paradox and Hex Quests.

    • Added a place to view the “We All Lift" cinematic if you have the post-The New War Fortuna.

    • Faceoff will occasionally offer boosted Standing, to help players prioritize playing Faceoff: Squad vs Squad while the boosts are active.

    • Overguard provided by Ancient Protectors has a shorter duration and decays more quickly when they die. Overguard can also no longer be applied to themself or other Ancients.

    • Awakening is getting a visual refresh to better match the opening cinematic!

    • Simplified Audio Options to allow players a top-level view of their Audio Settings, with specialized sliders being available to fine-tune their experience. This rework has allowed us to add more sliders to address player feedback:

    Audio Setting Changes

    New Arcade Game: Ollie’s Crash Course

    James Conlin has officially brought Ollie to life with Ollie’s Crash Course, a new Arcade game available in the Höllvania Central Mall!

    Ollie's Crash Course

    This new Atomicycle racing game comes with weekly leaderboards, and will reward you Ollie’s very own livery!
    Ollie's Livery

    Other New Content

    TennoGen Encore

     Devstream 185 Overview
    5 new community-created TennoGen items are arriving with Techrot Encore! Learn more about the new additions, and the community members who made them, in our official thread.

    Gyre Deluxe

    We previously showed off her concept art, but there is Gyre in-game in all of her deluxe glory! This Deluxe Skin collection also comes with an Alternox skin — not that you can miss it.

    Gyre Deluxe

    New Augments

     Devstream 185 Overview

    We’re adding Augments for Wisp, Koumei, Qorvex, and Gyre!

    Sol Gate Augment (Wisp)
    Wisp and 2 spectral images cast a single blast of Sol Gate, leaving a radiated fire zone on the ground for X seconds.

    Omikuji Augment (Koumei)
    Reduce Omikuji’s Cooldown by X seconds when you kill an enemy with the weapon affected by Koumei’s passive.

    Crucible Blast Augment (Qorvex)
    Crucible Blast becomes a channelled ability consuming X Energy/s that ramps up. Active pillars will trigger chain reactions and free their duration, but your mobility is greatly reduced.

    Arcsphere Augment (Gyre)
    Projectiles that pass through Arcsphere have guaranteed Electricity Status Effect and X% Electricity Damage.