Empyrean has landed, Tenno! Get ready to take flight, engage in epic space combat and explore the veiled fringes of the Origin System. This is only the beginning. For now, let’s focus on what you and your crew can do, what Missions you’ll undertake aboard the Railjack and how to begin your journey!
After watching that, you probably want to jump into your own Railjack right away! We can’t blame you, but there are a few things you need to tackle before you can start dogfighting above Earth, Saturn and in a brand-new area: Veil Proxima!
You’ll first need to work with your Clan to build a Railjack Dry Dock: your war room for fine-tuning and customizing your ship for battle. Once that’s built, complete the Rising Tide Quest to forge your very own Sigma Series Railjack.
Once you’ve fully restored the Railjack, you’ll be ready to take flight and takedown Grineer enemies in the first Empyrean mode: Skirmish! Pilot your Railjack, hijack enemy vessels, disable Grineer Capital Ships and much more. While possible to tackle Solo, this ambitious content is highly geared towards co-op. Greater Solo support will be coming next year!
If you don’t have a Railjack or are wanting to join another crew, you can do so using the “Join a Crew” toggle in the Star Chart. If you want to use your own Railjack, you can “Form a Crew” and host the mission by starting it from Navigation in your Railjack.
Over the coming months, we’ll be making changes, adding content and improving the Empyrean experience with you, our community!
Keep your eyes peeled for more updates to come, and best of luck, Tenno!