How to Play Sevagoth
Make the most of this master of shadows in our Warframe guide.
Paylaşım Tarihi 2023-11-24 10:51:00
How to Play Sevagoth

Welcome, Tenno! You may have already heard that this year at The Game Awards, we’re giving away the shadowy sailor of spectral might, Sevagoth, as a free Twitch Drop.

Whether you’re standing under his Shadow for the first time, or riding the stars with him once again, we’ve put together this handy guide to his otherworldly Warframe Abilities.

Let’s take a look at how to put his powers to use!

Sevagoth’s Shadow
One of the most unique things about Sevagoth is his Shadow. While Sevagoth is formidable enough on foot, he can bring twice the destructive power by detaching and controlling his ghostly Shadow to rip and tear through the opposition.

The Shadow functions in two ways. The first is as a remote-controlled minion that Sevagoth can activate by using the “Reap” Ability. This damages and debilitates enemies while Sevagoth continues to fight normally. The second function allows you to control Sevagoth’s Shadow directly. This occurs whenever you activate his ultimate Ability, “Exalted Shadow,” or whenever Sevagoth would normally fall in battle.

Sevagoth’s Shadow and its claws are “Exalted Weapons.” This means they can be equipped with Mods in the Arsenal, exactly the same as normal Warframes and Weapons to boost their power and Abilities.

Note: In Warframe, you never need to acquire or upgrade multiple copies of the same Mod! This is true even when using that same Mod on both a Warframe and its Exalted Weapons. A single copy of “Vitality,” for example, can be equipped to both Sevagoth and Sevagoth’s Shadow in your Arsenal at the same time.
The Death Well
When playing Sevagoth, you’ll notice that he comes with a unique resource gauge at the bottom-right of your screen. This is called the “Death Well.”

Killing enemies afflicted by Sevagoth’s Abilities automatically fills the Death Well. When its meter reaches 75 percent or higher, you can then activate Sevagoth’s ultimate Ability, “Exalted Shadow,” to transform into the Shadow and control it directly.

Filling the Death Well to activate Exalted Shadow is an important part of Sevagoth’s playstyle. So it’s important to actively use Sevagoth’s other Abilities; keep his Energy high to keep on using them and maximize Sevagoth’s combat effectiveness.
The Tombstone
Sevagoth does not enter the normal downed state like most Warframes when his health reaches zero. Instead, Sevagoth’s main body automatically transforms into a Tombstone while you take control of his Shadow.

You won’t have access to the usual set of skills while in this state. Instead, you gain access to a supercharged version of the Shadow’s “Consume” Ability to dash around and deal massive damage to single targets. Killing five enemies with the Shadow this way will revive Sevagoth with no downside.
Shadow Claws
After equipping Sevagoth in the Arsenal, you should notice he comes with a special Weapon category called “Shadow Claws.” These are another Exalted Weapon that Sevagoth uses when dishing out melee hits in his Shadow form. While not technically a separate Ability in their own right, you will need to equip the Shadow Claws with Melee Weapon Mods to boost their destructive power — just like the Shadow itself.
Sevagoth’s Abilities
This Ability sends the Shadow flying in whatever direction Sevagoth aims for a limited time. Enemies near the Shadow will be afflicted with a “Death’s Harvest” debuff that makes them more vulnerable to damage. Killing enemies affected by this debuff fills the Death Well.

All enemies in a wide radius around Sevagoth will take damage over time. As the names imply, you can also Reap what you Sow. Using Reap on enemies affected by Sow will cause them to detonate with Radiation and Blast damage. Any enemies that die while under this effect will also fill the Death Well.

This Ability extends a wide, debilitating circle that follows Sevagoth wherever he walks. Enemies caught inside the circle are significantly slowed, whereas Sevagoth and his allies gain lifesteal on all attacks while standing inside the circle. As per usual, enemies that die while affected by Gloom will fill the Death Well.

Exalted Shadow
Sevagoth’s ultimate Ability is quite unique compared to other Warframes. Exalted Shadow can only be activated after the Death Well is 75 percent full. After which, activating the Ability will transform Sevagoth into his Shadow form.

While in this state, the Death Well will slowly drain over time until Sevagoth is forced to transform back. Sevagoth cannot use his standard Abilities, Primary Weapons or Secondary Weapons and his Melee Weapon is also temporarily replaced with the Shadow Claws mentioned above.

However, Exalted Shadow grants access to a completely different set of devastating attacks and Abilities. These include:

Sevagoth’s Shadow pulls and lifts all enemies in a cone-shaped area before him into a mass of bodies. This is great for amassing enemies into one area before finishing them off with melee swings.

Sevagoth’s Shadow will dash forward, smashing into the first targeted enemy to deal massive Radiation damage. The impact also heals the Shadow and leaves any surviving target confused.

When Sevagoth falls in battle and enters his Tombstone form, you will automatically enter Shadow form. During this time, the Shadow’s normal attacks are replaced with a supercharged version of Consume. Killing five enemies with Consume in this way will resurrect Sevagoth without expending the usual number of revives per Mission.

Death’s Harvest
This Ability inflicts the same vulnerability debuff as the Reap skill in a wide radius around Sevagoth. All attacks and Abilities will deal extra damage to enemies affected with the curse.

Note that you still cannot recharge the Death Well while using Exalted Shadow — even when enemies are affected by the Death’s Harvest debuff.


This Ability will instantly revert Sevagoth to his standard form. While it doesn’t damage or weaken enemies, it will heal Sevagoth for a significant amount of health.
Sevagoth Tips
Sevagoth relies heavily on Gloom to survive in his default form. Since Gloom drains Energy over time, however, Mods and Arcanes that boost Energy or Ability Efficiency — such as “Flow,” “Streamline” and “Arcane Energize” — are doubly useful.

Gloom will remain in effect even after you activate Exalted Shadow. The area-of-effect will continue to radiate outwards from Sevagoth’s main body while you control the Shadow, but the Shadow and fellow Tenno will continue to receive the lifesteal buff while standing inside the circle.

Sevagoth’s Shadow only has access to melee attacks in the form of its Shadow Claws. This makes the “Steel Charge” Aura Mod a useful and efficient choice. The Mod boosts melee damage for your entire squad and even receives a Capacity discount for its matching Polarity type.

Equipping the “Preparation” Exilus Mod to Sevagoth’s Shadow is a great way to maintain your Energy reserves. The Mod will automatically refill the Shadow’s Energy any time you activate Exalted Shadow.