Community Spotlight: Tenno Clock
Warframe’s longest running community podcast!
发布于 2015-03-27 17:28:58
Community Spotlight: Tenno Clock

We're always impressed with the creative versatility the Warframe community displays -- whether it's flexing artistic skill or helping others learn the basics of being a space ninja. Here at Community Spotlight we make it our goal to place extra attention on some of the passionate work that's made Warframe a better experience.

When it comes to diving straight into community hot-topics with unbiased and level-headed discussion, no one does it better than Tenno Clock. All right, maybe they're a little bias. But that's all part of the fun.

Tenno Clock is Warframe's longest running podcast made by the community, for the community. Focusing on topics pulled directly from the official forums, Xenogelion and MDRLoz creatively highlight Warframe's current events, fantastic community projects, and the eternal search for the greatest Clan Emblem.

Would you guys like to introduce yourselves?

Drew: Well, my name is Xenogelion. Most people just call me Drew, which is actually my name.

Loz: And I'm MDRLoz.

Drew: Most people call him Loz, even though that's not his name.

Loz. Indeed.

And what is it you guys do?

Drew: I guess I'm a YouTuber with grand aspirations.

Loz: What we generally do each week is go on the Warframe forums, which we love to read, and we find loads of interesting threads and we talk about them.

Well, mainly Drew mentions them to me and I ramble on for hours and hours. Then we get into an argument and get sidetracked. Then we stop!

Drew: Well, we do come to some sort of conclusion.

Loz: Only sometimes!

Drew: I do want to say that we actually get help from other Tenno. HoldXtoRevive and Mephisto73 -- Mephisto actually listens to the audio to make sure whatever we say isn't too off topic. HoldX will go away and find us some topics to choose from because Loz and I can get really busy with our real lives. They're really great people to actually help us.

And in between that, you also make Faulty Frame Squad and Warframe Hype Train videos and gifs...

Loz: -laughs- I want to make more hype trains. There are more hype trains planned, if I can just find the time. I've only recently picked up a few more models so there will be more trains. Especially for people asking for more Prime Warframes for a Prime Train. As for Faulty Frame Squad...

Well, Drew here has always wanted to have a Machinima of some form. We were eating chicken at Nandos and we came up with the idea of Faulty Frame Squad. I think at the time we were talking about who were the three worst frames, and why. At the time we came up with Banshee, Volt and Loki.

Drew: We didn't choose Loki because he was the worst frame. We choose him because we felt in character he would be the trickster.

Loz: He was a starting frame as well, and for brand new players he was really difficult to use. Late game Loki really shines, but early game he's really difficult to use. Anyway, that's why we picked those Warframes and from there we just went and made a crazy story about them.

How long have you been making content for?

Drew: Well, TennoClock is now on its 70th episode. It's kinda scary to think it's been going on for over a year. Faulty Frame Squad we started six months after TennoClock?

Loz: Sometime last year.

Drew: Yeah, it was in Feburary last year. I won't bother mentioning any of the other crazy crap I've tried to do.

Loz: Yeah, I will mention some of the crazy crap Drew used to do. Drew used to try and do YouTube 'Let's Plays' for a while and I told him to do something different, something nobody does. Just pick one game to play.

So for Warframe people were doing a lot of Mod builds and 'hey look at this, this is how you play this frame'. But nobody at the time was discussing what's on the forums. There's always crazy topics. When is this Update coming? When is this gonna change? This Warframe is overpowered! No one was discussing this stuff.

So eventually Drew just checked the forums and said 'let's just do that.'

I actually checked the dates and I thought we were the first to come up with it, but we actually came out around 10-12 days after the first Prime Time. They got there first, but we've got more episodes now and that's what counts! -laughs-

Drew: One thing we feel is important is that Loz and I have different views and opinions on certain topics. Within the community, loads of people will have different opinions and they're all valid opinions. No one is truly right or wrong. They have as equal a say as we do. That's why we felt it would be good to talk about what other people are talking about.

Loz: There are so many people with so many great ideas out there! Obviously you can't see it all, and there's so much on the forums between the Fan Zone and the Feedback area, General Discussion, Developer Workshop, Hot Topics -- there's so much on the forums that we figured we would just pick a few things every week and talk about them. Bring them to people's attention.

What got you into Warframe?

Loz: I want to say! I have been thinking about this because I knew this question was coming up! -laughs-

Drew: Ok!

Loz: So Drew first showed me the Warframe Alpha trailer because he has such a Guyver fetish and loves bio-powered armor. I remember looking at it and thinking 'that looks ok', and Drew told me he was applying for closed Beta. Then he tells me he is into closed beta.

A couple months later I hear a few other friends are playing it and I just thought 'ugh I really don't want to. I'll play it for about two weeks, just to humor my friends. Then I'll stop.'

That was what, almost two years ago?

Drew: A year and a half ago. It was during the event with the Ammo Mutation Mods. I started up again that weekend and I remember Loz was on holiday for the summer. He didn't put it down solidly for two weeks.

Loz: -laughs-

Drew: And you put in hundreds of hours! You easily past like 500 hours, and we were just thinking 'wha?'

Loz: Back then the game was obviously a bit bare bones compared to now, but you could just feel the potential in the setting.

Drew: I've got a huge drive for anything exoskeleton based. As Loz said I've got a lot of love for Guyver. I love Kamen Rider stuff from Japan. I also quite like Iron Man. When I saw these power suited characters it reminded me so much of Dark Sector -- oh look at that!

To admit, when I first played Warframe it had the Mission cards and the talent trees and grenades and I thought it was just a generic third person shooter. I put it down, but to come back months later and find that it's evolved so much...

Loz: Well we're both still here today!

You guys pick a wide range of forum topics to chat about -- how do you decide what to talk about on each episode?

Drew: It’s typically forum topics that have a good, solid opinion. Not just the typical 'buff this' or 'I don't like how this has been added in'. We like to see some good solid feedback. At the same time there are instances where feedback has been created and we feel that this kinda needs to be highlighted. Like, come on community you need to try harder. It sets the staple for bad feedback.

The quality of the responses makes an impression because you'll see someone write this epic piece, makes a great deal of sense, and you'll just see people flaming it.

Loz: It really depends. If you make a post that has a structured and reasoned argument on why you want something changed, or why something is an issue, then we can say 'yeah that's an interesting point to discuss'.

Sometimes we read threads that say 'DE needs to read this' or 'DE pay attention and fix this'--

Drew: Or 'Dear DE'

Loz: Ugh! We completely rule out those threads. We look for people who are structured and who try to put their point across in a reasonable way. That’s what we look for because those are the most interesting threads. They go a bit deeper.

Drew: Some of the really interesting ones are the threads that conflict with our own opinions. Sometimes during an episode one of us will convince the other that their point of view was maybe a better option.

Loz. Of course any thread that talks about buffing Excalibur or Braton Prime - these must be talked about. They are very important things to us.

One of the best parts of Tennoclock is that you’re never afraid to revisit old topics as Warframe changes. Do you have a subject that continues to come up that you enjoy talking about?

Loz: I'd say it has changed. I think the community has changed a bit. Almost every other episode used to be about what we would call 'entitlement'. People would always ask 'well why isn't this fixed?', and there's not so much of that now which is good.

Drew: A lot of topics that come up a lot are things that sway the challenge of the game. Like Nullifiers.

Loz: Nullifiers have come up at least once in the last four weeks.

Drew: Yeah, you can't avoid them.

Drew: I don't know if I've ever made this clear or not, but I love them. Their tactic forces you to actually employ gun-based combat. Your abilities aren't going to work. When Operation: Ovetake came in, I loved it.

We failed it six times when that came out. I loved it.

Loz: Definitely endgame, and depth of game. Anything that talks about challenge or depth comes up a lot.

Drew: Either people don't want a challenge and they just want to slaughter everything, or people want a challenge and want to use their heads. There are always both sides of the argument.

Do you have a favorite episode you’ve ever recorded?

Loz: The one with Silverbones, cuz Silverbones was there! Oh, but there was Krash as well. Oh, but Silverbones. Silverbones was there. Letter13 was good to, but then there's Silverbones.

Drew: Pretty much any episode where we have had a guest. The topics go in such bizarre directions. We've had Yuikami, Silverbones, Krash, Sixty5, NotionPhil, SherlockShuffle, Letter13, Mogamu, DarkFreak, and Devoid.

Loz: The guest episodes are the ones we prefer doing. TennoClock goes on for about an hour, but we'll keep talking to the guests before and after for a few hours as well. It's great to just talk to random other people in the Warframe community.

Drew: Hearing that enthusiasm for Warframe really picks up our morale.

Taking a look at your other Warframe-related series, Faulty Frame Squad...

Loz: -laughter-

Drew: -laughter-

Loz: -laughter that slowly turns into sobbing-

You’ve done the prologue, how’s the rest coming along?

Loz: -cries-

Drew: So four of us have actually written...

Loz: The reason why the first season is sometimes called the preseason is because Drew has always wanted to do a Machinima. I told him from the start, write a short one-off script that'll almost run by itself. If we can do that, we'll do more.

So we did that, and that's what those first five episodes were. They still took months to do, but we did each one individually. Currently we're writing an arc of about seventeen episodes, which will be fun. We've almost finished hammer down the plot.

Drew: There's only one episode that needs reviewing left, and we're going through it to make sure there are no horrendous plot holes. You'd be surprised with how easily they can turn up.

Loz: We're looking to finish that soon so we can start filming. We'll finish the script, get filming done, maybe have some original animation in there, and then we'll release it weekly. Like a show. It's the dream.

The Faulty Frame Squad are going to go on some interesting adventures. There will be new Warframes, new voices (we do need more voices). Hopefully some voices from the community will voice stuff for us!

Drew: That's already been confirmed.

Loz: Excellent!

Everyone here is definitely excited to see it. No pressure.

Loz: Oh joy.

Drew: No pressure!

Loz: It will be done. It will be good. One thing I will say is the Faulty Frame Squad will be following on from where they left off. One thing we tried to do was put an Easter Egg in, and if people do love the show and love the series you should give it a rewatch.

Any advice for anyone looking to create a rival Warframe podcast?

Loz: What you have to do in order to get your own Warframe podcast is find a friend who will do it for free, and constantly do all of the work while you spend time on the forums. Then you get given all the topics to talk about and it looks like you've done all the work.

Drew: I'm not entirely sure who you're actually trying to describe there. Me or you?

Loz: I don't even know anymore. I would say, there are a lot of people trying to do things by themselves. Mod videos like Mogamu does. I'd say the most important thing is to find people to work with. Find a couple people, get together, and just chat. That's what we do really, and it's fun.

Drew: Yeah.

Loz: It's more than just the podcast thing, it's the communication.

Drew: Teamwork really brings out the quality of any work. And a £200 microphone.

Loz: Yes! A good microphone. I buy a lot of cheap microphones and they break all the time.

Thank you both so much for spending some time with us.

Drew: It's been great!

Loz: Thanks for having us! It's been an honor! -laughs-

Thanks again to everyone at Tenno Clock for their continued efforts in putting their own spotlight on the latest community hot topics. We hope everyone has enjoyed this behind-the-scenes look at the duo behind Warframe's longest-running community podcast. Good Luck Tenno Clock -- we all eagerly anticipate the HD Remix Extended Cut of Warframe Hype Train and Faulty Frame Squad's official release!