Warframe Arsenal Twitch Extension
Get all the details behind the Loadouts of your favorite Warframe streamers! If a streamer has opted-in, you’ll be able to see:
  • The streamer’s in-game name and Mastery Rank
  • Which Mods are installed on the streamer’s Warframe, Weapons, Companions, Archwing and more!
  • Which Arcanes are installed on the streamer’s Warframe, Zaws, Kitguns, Amps, and Operator (as well as a breakdown of each modular part for Amps, Zaws and Kitguns)
  • Customizations, including the streamer’s Syandana, Ephemera, Regalia and colors.
  • Which Focus school the streamer has currently equipped.
  • Descriptions of all Warframe and Archwing Abilities, localized in 13 different languages.
Step 1:
From your Warframe Account page, opt-in to allow the Extension to access your loadout data.
Step 2:
From, select the Creator Dashboard. Under Extensions, Search for ‘Warframe Arsenal’ and complete installation.
Step 3:
From the Extension configuration, select your Platform, input your Account name and you’re all set!
Extension Screenshot Extension Screenshot
While watching any streamer that has opted-in to the Extension, simply click the 'View Loadout' button. You’ll be able to see details about their Warframe, Companion, Archwing and Operator Loadouts!
Extension Screenshot Extension Screenshot